A close view of the starboard bow of a Swatow trader type junk at Kowloon, Hong Kong


A close view of the starboard bow of a Swatow trader type junk at Kowloon, Hong Kong Long Caption: A close view of the starboard bow of a Swatow trader type junk at Kowloon, Hong Kong. Her anchor is hanging over the bow and a member of the crew is standing on the foredeck holding a long skulling oar. The fore lug sail is stowed fore and aft. The junk has an occuli on the bow and two truck mounted, smooth bore, muzzle loading cannon are on the foredeck trained ahead. A motor launch is in the background. The photographer was in the area in the following periods: 6 to 28 May 1937; 14 October 1937 to 8 January 1938; 14 April to 4 June 1938 and 8 to 12 September 1938. Waters Collection: HNC0410 Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waters Collection Object: P34220 Artist: David Watkin Waters Date: 1937-1938 Medium: cellulose nitrate negative Size: 406 mm x 379 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.