Photograph capturing the mascot bear cub 'Trotsky', on 'Ajax' 1921. From an album relating to the naval Career of Philip F. P. Blackwell, 1920-1922


Photograph capturing the mascot bear cub 'Trotsky', on 'Ajax' 1921. From an album relating to the naval Career of Philip F. P. Blackwell, 1920-1922 Long Caption: A 16 page album containing 92, mainly captioned, photographic prints relating to the career of Philip Blackwell, between 1920 and 1922. He served on HMS Ajax (1912) and HMS Tribune (1918). The album contains the following main themes: 1) The evacuation of the Volunteer Army from Odessa, in company with HMS Sportive and Ceres, February 1920. This includes photographs of the troops and refugees, as well as the icy conditions. 2) The occupation of Constantinople, March 1920. Six photogrpahs of the arrival of the Sultan and his family, as well as government ministers onboard Ajax. 3) Photographs of crew and officers onboard Ajax and Tribune. 4) Naval activity at Batoum (Batum) and Ismid, 1920. 5) RN College, Keyham, 1918. Three images of teaching the cadets. 6) Activties at Malta, 1920, including a naval review, Armistice Day parade, a Dutch submarine (unnamed), coaling Ajax. 7) A few images of the mascot bear cub christened Trotsky. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ALB0257 Artist: Philip F. P. Blackwell Date: 1921 Medium: photograph; paper Size: 496 mm x 508 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.