Horary Quadrant


Horary Quadrant Long Caption: This horary quadrant is made of wood and paper with brass sighting vanes and is held in its original box which also contains a lead plumb bob. Like other dials of this type by Sutton, It is dated 1658, but has had the words ‘New Stile’ added below the date. In addition, the declnation scale has been adjusted so that the dial accords with the Gregorian, or 'New Stile', calendar that was adopted on the Continent from 1582, but was not adopted in England until 1752. All the other scales are identical to other examples of Sutton's quadrant as produced in 1658, of which an example is in the collections of the NMM (NAV1042). Comparing the two dials, the shifting of the dates for the declination scale is quite clear – for example, the ‘extra’ eleven days (the differnece between the calendars in England and Europe at this time) can be seen added to the upper left scale on the left, with ‘March’ now appearing on the upper scale and disappearing from the bottom. This form of quadrant can be used for all the standard operations that the Gunter quadrant performs, as well as acting as a sector and assisting in the construction of sundials. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZBA4318 Artist: Henry Sutton Date: circa 1658 Medium: wood; paper; brass; lead Size: 228 mm x 304 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.