'South America' (1900) and 'Abertay' aground next to each other


'South America' (1900) and 'Abertay' aground next to each other Long Caption: A bow view of the steam cargo ship 'South America' (1900) ashore with a port quarter view of the steam cargo ship 'Abertay' (1888) close alongside, who also ran ashore. 'South America' ran aground in St Loy's Cove, between Merthen and Boscowen Points, in fog and was eventually wrecked in March 1912. 'Abertay' grounded in similar circumstances seven months later in October 1912. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Gibson's of Scilly Shipwreck Collection Object: P50963 Artist: Gibson's of Scilly Shipwreck Collection Date: 1912 Medium: glass negative Size: unknown Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.