' Pearl' (1906) [LT461] aground, listing to port, off Penzance


' Pearl' (1906) [LT461] aground, listing to port, off Penzance Long Caption: A starboard bow view of the steam screw ketch-rigged drifter ' Pearl' (1906) [LT461] aground, listing to port, off Penzance. She was stranded in fog at 9am on 16 April 1915 off Penzance promenade while trying to enter Newlyn Harbour. She was relfoated at 4:30pm. 'Pearl' was renamed 'Pearl III' (Admiralty Number 2306) and hired as an armed net vessel from December 1915 to 1919. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Gibson's of Scilly Shipwreck Collection Object: P50894 Artist: Gibson's of Scilly Shipwreck Collection Date: 1915 Medium: glass negative Size: unknown Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.