[Copy of ] 'A Chart of Bligh's Islands' [Fiji] by William Bligh, with tracks of the 'Bounty' launch (1789), 'Providence' and 'Assistant' (1792), and 'Hope' and 'Ann' (1799)


[Copy of ] 'A Chart of Bligh's Islands' [Fiji] by William Bligh, with tracks of the 'Bounty' launch (1789), 'Providence' and 'Assistant' (1792), and 'Hope' and 'Ann' (1799) Long Caption: Copy chart inscribed: 'A Chart of Bligh's Islands [Fiji] by W[illia]m Bligh. The Broken Line shows my Track in the Bounty's Launch when I discovered the Islands in 1789. The Plain Line my Track in the Providence and Assistant in 1792. The parts tinged Green were seen in the Bounty's Launch.' Added and inscribed in pencil on the left is 'Land seen by the [ships] Hope and Ann -[Captain] Maitland, 1799'. Made in ink and pencil on tracing paper, dated 14 April 1801. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: FLI/15/23 Artist: Captain Matthew Flinders Date: 1801 Medium: Ink; pencil; tracing paper Size: 376 mm x 533 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.