Platform deck & hold plan for HMS 'Weymouth' (1910)


Platform deck & hold plan for HMS 'Weymouth' (1910) Long Caption: Scale 1:48. Plan showing the platform deck and hold for the light cruiser HMS 'Weymouth' (1910), as fitted on completion and with later alterations up to 1923 Modified in green at Chatham Yard August 1923. Builders' drawing endorsed by J. Rowlands, (Admiralty) Overseer. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: NPC2310 Artist: Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd Date: 1911 Medium: technical drawing; paper on linen; black ink; red ink; blue, yellow, grey, green, orange inkwashes Size: 835 mm x 3075 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.