Searching for Halley's Comet at Greenwich Observatory


Searching for Halley's Comet at Greenwich Observatory Long Caption: The cartoon was reproduced in 1909, anticipating the 1910 return of Halley’s Comet on 20 April 1910. It shows several scientists on the roof of what appears to be the rear extension of Flamsteed House, probably including employees of the Observatory. Heath Robinson was best known for his humorous drawings of mechanical inventions. The focus of the humourous drawing is on the telescopic equipment, including a series of additional lenses being held up to achieve maximum possible magnification. The small, mischievously smiling comet appears at the top right. This light-hearted take on astronomy's endless quest for bigger and better telescopes illustrates the growing popular interest in astronomy, particularly surrounding events such as the return of Halley’s Comet, and demonstrates that the Royal Observatory has long been intimately connected in the popular imagination with such important moments in astronomy. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZBA5194 Artist: William Heath Robinson Date: 1909 Medium: Pen ink; monochrome watercolour; paper Size: 420 mm x 290 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.