Will Watch (caricature)


Will Watch (caricature) Long Caption: The text below the image is an extract from the early 19th-century song 'Will Watch, the bold Smuggler' which tells how he promises his lover 'black-eyed Sue' that after his next successful foray he will give up the trade and come ashore. Will is, however, pursued by the Revenue men and shot, being buried on the beach according to his wishes at dead of night by his crew. 'Will Watch' was the subject of at least two melodramas performed respectively at Astley's Amphitheatre and the Coburg Theatre, London, in 1819-20, to which the song may also relate. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Object: PAF3805 Artist: unknown Date: mid-19th century Medium: lithograph Size: 221 mm x 289 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.