A full hull model of a Portuguese caravel (circa 1450)


A full hull model of a Portuguese caravel (circa 1450) Long Caption: Scale: 1:30. A full hull model of a Portuguese caravel (circa 1450) made in Portugal, largely of wood with metal fittings. The 'caravele lateena', or lateen-rigged caravel, was a typical small trading vessel of the type used by both the Spanish and Portuguese. Two of the vessels accompanying Christopher Columbus in 1492, the 'Nina' and 'Pinta', were classed as caravels. It depicts a vessel measuring 68 feet in length by 31 feet in the beam and an approximate tonnage of 140 burden. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. We regret that Museum enquiries have not been able to identify the copyright holder and would welcome any information that would help us update our records. Please contact the Picture Library. Object: SLR0305 Artist: unknown Date: circa 1956 Medium: wood; varnish; gilt; silk; cotton; hemp; linen; glass; brass; paint Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.