The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805 : 'The Close of the Action'


The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805 : 'The Close of the Action' Long Caption: This is a small replica of a painting that Huggins executed for King William IV in 1837. One of three still in the Royal Collection. It shows the position of the fleets at 4.30 on the evening of 21 October in a rising gale. It has now emerged that it is an oil copy, with very slight variations, of a watercolour by Lieutenant Paul Harris Nicolas (1790-1860). This is the principal subject in port-bow view, centre left, with only her foremast standing. To her right are Rear-Admiral Dumanoir and four French ships escaping southward, with 'Victory' in distant starboard-quarter view. An unnamed captured French ship is next, in stern view slightly to port with only mainmast standing, then the bow of the 'Santisima Trinidad', 130, in starboard view with the stern, in port-quarter view, of the 'Nepture' 98 beyond and the 'Leviathan', 74, at the far right edge of the composition. As well as the three oil paintings Huggins was also commissioned by a Mr Briggs to make replica watercolours. Huggins also published an aquatint of the opening subject of 'Victory breaking the line' in March 1837. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Macpherson Collection Object: BHC0542 Artist: William John Huggins Date: after 1837 Medium: oil on canvas Size: 610 mm x 840 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.