The famouse West Indian voyadge made by the Englishe fleete of 23 shippes and barkes


The famouse West Indian voyadge made by the Englishe fleete of 23 shippes and barkes Long Caption: The famouse West Indian voyadge made by the Englishe fleete of 23 shippes and barkes wherin weare gotten the townes of St.Iago: Sto.Domingo, Cartagena and St.Augustines the same being begon from Plimmouth in the moneth of September 1585 and ended at Portesmouth in Iulia 1586 the whole course of the saide viadge being plainlie described by the pricked line. Newlie come forth by Baptista B. Credit line: National Maritime Museum Object: PBC4053(1) Artist: Baptista Boazio Date: 1589 Size: 415 mm x 535 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.