A royal yacht with a fleet getting under way in a breeze


A royal yacht with a fleet getting under way in a breeze Long Caption: A royal yacht can be seen in the foreground flying the Royal Standard. She is accompanied by a larger ship to the right. A tower is visible on the shore on the far right. The tower of a fort is visible on the land. In amongst the other ships of the fleet the one on the left is firing a salute. A ship’s boat laden with passengers can be seen in the foreground on the left. Scenes of royal yachts were very popular. Under naval protection, William III, George I and George II each crossed the channel several times to visit the Continent. This painting, from about 1720, is one of a pair with BHC0952. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: BHC0951 Artist: British School, 18th century Date: circa 1720 Medium: oil on canvas Size: painting 590 mm x 725 mm; frame 725 mm x 865 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.