'Lowestoff' (1756), 'Tartar' (1756)


'Lowestoff' (1756), 'Tartar' (1756) Long Caption: Scale 1:48. Plan showing the lower deck plan for building 'Lowestoff' (1756), 'Tartar' (1756), both 28-gun, Sixth Rate Frigates. Annotation in top right: "A Copy of this Plan was given to Mr Graves Mr Randell." on front in pencil: "N.B. by the Surveyors orders was added on each side one Cabbin more, on harboardside for Lieut of Marines on starboard side Capt Do between Masters and Capt Clerk, which carried the Capt Clerk further forward." Credit line: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZAZ3346 Artist: unknown Date: 1755 Medium: technical drawing; paper; black ink; red ink; pencil Size: 349 mm x 799 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.