Plan for 'Medina' (1813); 'Cyrus' (1813); 'Levant' (1813); 'Esk' (1813); 'Slaney' (1813); 'Leven' (1813); 'Falmouth' (1814); 'Spey' (1814); 'Lee' (1814); 'Hind' (1814); 'Larne' (1814); 'Cyrene' (1814); 'Bann' (1814)


Plan for 'Medina' (1813); 'Cyrus' (1813); 'Levant' (1813); 'Esk' (1813); 'Slaney' (1813); 'Leven' (1813); 'Falmouth' (1814); 'Spey' (1814); 'Lee' (1814); 'Hind' (1814); 'Larne' (1814); 'Cyrene' (1814); 'Bann' (1814) Long Caption: Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the cabins and magazine on the after part of the lower deck and after platform for the 'class of ships similar to Levant'. This would be the surviving members of the 'Cyrus' class: 'Medina' (1813); 'Cyrus' (1813); 'Levant' (1813); 'Esk' (1813); 'Slaney' (1813); 'Leven' (1813); 'Falmouth' (1814); 'Spey' (1814); 'Lee' (1814); 'Hind' (1814); 'Larne' (1814); 'Cyrene' (1814); 'Bann' (1814), all 20-gun Sixth Rates, later reclassed sloops. Credit line: Crown Copyright. Photo: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Object: ZAZ4017 Artist: unknown Date: 1821 Medium: technical drawing Size: 457 mm x 413 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.