Antelope (1802)


Antelope (1802) Long Caption: Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the inboard planking expansion for the hull and sides of Antelope (1802), a 50-gun Fourth Rate, two-decker. Initialled by three currently unidentified personnel. None of the initials match those of the Master Shipwrights for Sheerness and Portsmouth for this proposed period. They may relate to the Assistant Master Shipwrights, but this requires further research. NMM, Progress Book, volume 6, folio 243, states that 'Antelope' was at Sheerness Dockyard between February 1806 and May 1806 to have defects rectified. She was then at Portsmouth Dockyard between February and April 1809 being refitted, and again between February and April 1813. Antelope returned to Portsmouth May to June 1814, and again November 1814 to December 1815 having been fitted for sea and a flag officer. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZAZ1742 Artist: unknown Date: circa 1805-1814 Medium: technical drawing Size: 373 mm x 1080 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.