Sans Pareil (captured 1794)


Sans Pareil (captured 1794) Long Caption: Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the lower deck for Sans Pareil (captured 1794), a captured French 80-gun ship, as later altered to a sheer hulk at Plymouth in 1810. The plan was taken off at Plymouth Dockyard per Admiralty Order dated 26 September 1842 prior to being broken up. Signed by Thomas F. Hawkes [Master Shipwright, Plymouth Dockyard 1837-1843] and W. Spiller [Not in Navy List, possibly Assistant to Master Shipwright?]. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZAZ7767 Artist: Gormully, J Date: 19 November 1842 Medium: technical drawing Size: 432 x 1334 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.