34 ft Admiral's Barge


34 ft Admiral's Barge Long Caption: Scale: 1:16. Plan showing the body plan, sheer lines with inboard detail, and longitudinal half-breadth for a proposed 12? oared, 34 ft Admiral's Barge. Signed B. Robinson [Master Shipwright/Chief Constructor, Portsmouth Dockyard, January 1869-1881]. The plan is also stamped and dated for Devonport Dockyard, 26 August 1875 and signed by Alexander Moore [Master Shipwright/Chief Constructor, Devonport Dockyard1865-c1877]. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZAZ7170 Artist: unknown Date: dated: 20 June 1871 Medium: technical drawing Size: 441 mm x 788 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.