Cape Lezard, in 1709, showing the flight of English ships and, a view of HMS 'Bristol' sunk after being caught by the 'Achilles'


Cape Lezard, in 1709, showing the flight of English ships and, a view of HMS 'Bristol' sunk after being caught by the 'Achilles' Long Caption: Ship names include the 'Achilles', 'Glory', The 'Amazon', the 'Star' and warships of the English fleet. The etching inscriptions read as follows: 'Fuite de plusieura Navires Angloise a la vue du Cap Lezard. 1709. Pages 147 et 9. L' Achille A. La Gloire B. L' Amazone C. L' Astree a. Navires de Guerre Anglois b. Flotte Angloise Figure XVII' 'Le Bristol coule a fond apres avoir ete pris par L'Achille a l'ouverture de la Manche. 1709. 134 et 9. L'Achille A. La Gloire', a. Le Bristol, b. Escadre Angloise Figure XVIII' Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: PAD5209 Artist: unknown Date: early 18th century Medium: etching Size: 316 mm x 243 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.