Service vessel; Launch


Service vessel; Launch Long Caption: Scale: 1:48. A full hull model of the armed transport Bounty's launch made entirely in wood with metal and organic material fittings and painted in semi-realistic colours. The depicted vessel is two-masted, with a balanced lug on the foremast and a settee sail on the main. The hull is carved from the solid with the frames and other fittings added. The hull is painted white with a light brown top strake and sky blue inset panel, and red gunwales. The interior hull, frames and windlass is also red with unpainted thwarts, masts and yards. It is complete with a small grapnel anchor as well as the large windlass and stern davit which were used for handling the ship's heavy anchors and ropes. The model is mounted on a pair of decoratively turned metal supports and displayed on a rectangular wooden baseboard. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Reproduced with kind permission of Robert Lightley Object: SLR2992 Artist: Robert A. Lightley Medium: wood; cotton; brass; steel; paint Size: 121 mm x 152 mm x 53 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.