Equipment model; Anchor model; Killick


Equipment model; Anchor model; Killick Long Caption: Scale: Unknown. Model of a half killick from Nam-Hai Island, Japan. The shank is constructed from a piece of timber, square in section with a slight taper towards the crown. At the crown on either side, pegged, are two upwardly curving arms with flat faces and finishing to a point. The shank has been drilled in two places at right angles to the arms through which pass two wooden rods and an additional two passing outside the shank forming a diamond-shaped cage held together by rattan lashings. There are three small oval-shaped stones either side of the shank in the cage forming a type of stock. There is a large rope attached to the bottom of the shank which leads up to the top of the shank through a drilled hole and finishes in a knotted rope loop to which the cable can be attached. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK Object: ZBA4799 Artist: unknown Date: unknown Medium: rope; wood; stone Size: 80 mm x 50 mm x 38 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.