Fighting vessel


Fighting vessel Long Caption: Scale: Unknown. The model is made almost entirely of wood with some metal and shows the aft end of a single decked fighting vessel showing the method of rigging a jury rudder. The hull is painted a copper colour below the waterline with a thin white line dividing the back upperworks. There is a further thin white line running from the quarter gallery at deck level and under the three gun ports. Both the quarter galleries and the stern galleries are painted flat and picked out in gold paint. The hull is complete with a stern frame supporting a two bladed screw propeller on a crude wire mount. The jury rudder itself is constructed from wooden spars, metal straps and a leather skin which covers a matted rope blade. The rudder is supported by several lengths of rope, two of which are rigged over the stern, another pair are led forward through a series of blocks rigged to bumkins, positioned through the aft gun port only. The ships wheel is missing, together with some of the minor rigging for working the rudder. The deck is finished in natural wood and varnished, with the bulwark capping finished in a creamy white colour. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK, Caird Collection Object: SLR2364 Artist: unknown Date: unknown Medium: wood; hemp; canvas; brass; paint; gilt; varnish Size: 325 mm x 666 mm x 510 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.