Cargo vessel


Cargo vessel Long Caption: Scale: Unknown. A waterline model of a cargo vessel. The hull is painted black with red at the waterline and a fine white stripe above that runs the entire length of the hull. The decks are painted a uniform cream and the cargo hatch covers are mid-grey. The long forecastle incorporates a small cargo hatch, derrick mast, and a pair of lifeboats. There is a short forward cargo deck has three cargo hatches of varying sizes and between the hatches are two raised decks that accommodate the bridge and pilot house, and a derrick mast and pair of lifeboats. The bridge is shallow and arranged over three decks with a wood-clad pilot house atop. There is a raised boat deck amidships accommodating six lifeboats arranged in two rows on port and starboard sides. Between them is a single funnel, painted res with a broad black top and two fine horizontal black stripes denoting Cunard Line. Forward and aft of the funnel are a total of ten ventilators, painted brown. Aft of these is a derrick mast. The aft cargo deck has three hatches inline, the second and third hatches separated by a raised boat deck virtually identical in layout to the forward boat deck. The raised aft deck includes stern pilot wings and a pair of lifeboats. There are a total of fourteen lifeboats all with white hulls and pale grey covers. On base of model "132" (deleted). Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZBA1164 Artist: Reginald Carpenter Date: 20th century Size: 40 mm x 152 mm x 18 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.