Passenger vessel


Passenger vessel Long Caption: Scale: Unknown. A waterline model of a passenger vessel. The hull is painted light grey with white at the waterline and white bulwarks. The decks are painted off-white apart from the forecastle and forward cargo deck which are pale brown. The cargo hatch covers are all mid-grey. The forecastle includes a pair of derricks with integral ventilators, a wave deflector, and a small hatch. Abaft the forecastle, on the forward cargo deck, is a foremast with an unidentified item attached to the front about halfway up. There is also a hatch on this deck. The superstructure occupies the rest of the vessel, the front elevation of which is vertical and projects outward at C deck. The upper deck projects slightly over it and to either side of it awning-like. The main deck has a promenade amidships. The shelter deck above also has a promenade and this passes around the stern uninterrupted. The main boat deck has five pairs of lifeboats stowed. There is also a small raised boat deck aft with two boats stowed, and a further two boats stowed on the raised poop deck. All fourteen boats are painted white with pale grey covers, and stowed on davits. The upper deck has a pair of tall funnels, painted black, four ventilators aft, also painted black, and a pair of smaller ventilators forward, painted white. The small boat deck has a mainmast and two pairs of ventilators, the forward pair much taller than the rearward ones. There are two hatches forward and aft of this deck. On base of model: '101'. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: ZBA1001 Artist: Reginald Carpenter Date: 20th century Size: 38 mm x 128 mm x 15 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.