'Psyche' (1798)


'Psyche' (1798) Long Caption: Scale: 1:48. A contemporary half block model of the 'Psyche' (1798), a French 36-gun frigate. The hull is carved form a solid block of wood(?) and is painted a metallic copper colour below the main wales separated by a thin white line along the waterline. The topsides are painted black, with the main gundeck highlighted by a creamy white horizontal band. The gunports are let into the hull and painted black whilst the forecastle and quarterdeck gunports are cut through the bulwarks. The bow is fitted with head rails just aft of a gold painted female figurehead. The stern is complete with carved galleries, painted black, below which is a rudder complete with gudgeons and pintles. The whole model is mounted on a rectangular wooden backboard which is painted a creamy white surrounded by a stained moulded edging. The number "(19)" is painted in white on the lower backboard edge amidships. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: SLR0604 Artist: unknown Medium: wood; paint Size: 240 mm x 1068 mm x 121 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.