'Star O' Peace' (1903)


'Star O' Peace' (1903) Long Caption: Scale: Unknown. A half frame model of the starboard side of the merchant schooner 'Star O' Peace' (1903), made entirely in wood. The model is unpainted and depicts only the frames which are shown as solid bulkheads, stem-post, keel, deadwood and transom which as a prominent overhang. The planking around the starboard bow and the timbers forming the prow is also shown. The stem post, keel and deadwood are integral to a piece of timber forming the centreline of the depicted vessel and on which the frames are attached. The model is displayed on a modern rectangular dark coloured backboard. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: SLR1352 Artist: unknown Date: circa 1903 Medium: wood Size: 264 mm x 1474 mm x 167 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.