Augustus Keppel, Viscount Keppel (1725-1786)


Augustus Keppel, Viscount Keppel (1725-1786) Long Caption: A rectangular portrait-format miniature in watercolour on ivory in an elaborately patterned gilt metal surround, set in a black-lacquered backing board, with a gilt metal fitting in the form of grapes or similar fruit at the top for a (missing) suspension ring. There is also a later wall fitting visible on the right side. A gold-painted inscription below the image reads 'ADMIRAL VISCOUNT KEPPEL. / 1725-1786'. The sitter is shown bust length against a sky background, facing forward but with his head slightly turned to his left. He wears the captain's full-dress of 1748-1767, with the left lapel falling inward over his waistcoat and the corner of his hat showing, tucked under his left arm. This item is a copy of part of Reynolds's full-length portrait of 1760, engraved in mezzotint that year by Edward Fisher, but of which the plate greatly suffered from reworking for at least two subsequent printings. It is itself only of mediocre quality (possibly amateur work) and probably from one of the later, and poorer, issues of the print rather than Fisher's original one, (PW3462). The frame is 19th century and could be the original one. This miniature was one of two acquired in 1964 having previously been in possession of Admiral Colin Keppel (1862-1947). Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: MNT0081 Artist: unknown; after Sir Joshua Reynolds Date: early to mid 19th century Medium: watercolour; bodycolour; ivory; wood; gilt Size: 60 mm x 47 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.