Equipment model of a floating navigational buoy


Equipment model of a floating navigational buoy Long Caption: Scale 1:12. A full model of a floating navigational buoy complete with a metal frame topmark. The inverted cone shaped body is painted a light grey below the waterline, a thin blue line along the waterline with the remainder, including the topmark, a deep red. The metal topmark is mounted on a tall solid metal rod. The model is inscribed with the number "2" and "Herbert's patent floating buoy Waterline 253". On the underside in a recess is a large eyebolt to which the mooring chain would be connected. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: SLR1776 Artist: unknown Date: unknown Medium: wood; paper; metal; paint; varnish; gilt Size: 685 mm x 310 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.