

Warship Long Caption: Scale: 1:16. A sectional model of the starboard side of a warship showing the securing and releasing mechanism, above and below the channels, for both the sheet and spare anchors. The model is made largely from wood with the outboard painted black except for the white stripe along the gun ports. The gun ports are shown in relief with a light and dark grey internal shadowing surrounded by a red line. There are a series of metal arms and rods which pivot on the outboard as well as the inboard side of the hull, which were used for storing, securing and realising the anchors. There is a complete wooden channel, which includes a moulded section and angled wooden pad used for locating the palm and arms of the anchors when fished and stowed. Internally the model is finished in a creamy white colour, together with some metal fastenings and realising chain. The whole model is mounted on a rectangular wooden baseboard with match paint for interior and exterior surfaces. An inscription has been painted onto the interior face of the hull and reads "MODEL. Invention for securing and letting go the Sheet and Spare Anchor. By C. BROWN Esq.r Master Attendant H.M. Dockyard Portsm.o". Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: SLR2427 Artist: unknown Date: circa 1844 Medium: wood; iron; metal; paint Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.