'Gipsy' wrecked in the Avon


'Gipsy' wrecked in the Avon Long Caption: The steam schooner 'Gipsy' was built at Waterford for the Waterford Shipping Co. Ltd in 1859. On 12 May 1878, 'Gipsy' was being towed by the tug 'Sea King' down river from Bristol, en route to Liverpool and Waterford, when she struck rocks and listed over on to the mud. Despite several attempts by the tug to right her, she broke in two and completely blocked the river for a week. No one was injured by the accident and her cargo was easily removed, but eventually the ship's remains had to be dynamited to clear the channel. Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: P10478 Artist: unknown Date: 1878 Medium: photograph Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.