Full hull model of HMS 'Warrior' (1860)


Full hull model of HMS 'Warrior' (1860) Long Caption: Scale: 1:192. A model of HMS 'Warrior' (1860), a single-screw ironclad battleship. The model is made from wood with metal and organic material fittings, and is realistically painted. The hull is carved from a single piece of wood and is painted a copper colour below the waterline and black above with a white band connecting the row of gun ports. There are two bilge keels on each side of the hull. The model has three masts, all rigged with standing and running rigging but no sails, and there are two black painted funnels. A flying bridge is positioned between the two funnels and has two companion ladders. There are a total of nine ship's boats, two stowed on deck directly aft of the mainmast, one rigged to stern davits, four rigged from crane davits on the port and starboard stern quarters, and two rigged to conventional davits forward of the crane davits. The figurehead, which has been gilded, depicts the top part of a warrior with a shield in the left hand and a sword in the right hand. The stern and quarter galleries are shown with painted glazing and gilded decoration. The bowsprit is rigged and there are two anchors stowed at the port and starboard bows. The single deck is painted brown and scored to resemble planking and is equipped with a gun on a pivoting carriage at the bow, two capstans, two cargo hatches, two skylights, a triple wheel, and four small guns and gun carriages. There are two further anchors stowed forward of amidships. There are forty guns at open gun ports on the main gun deck. The two bladed rudder which rotates is painted gold. The model is displayed on gilded pillar supports with integral stabilisers and octagonal bases and the model has its original hand lettered oval plaque which reads "H.M. Iron Armour Plated 46 gun screw steam ship Warrior Length over all 420 Feet Extreme Beam 58ft Depth 41ft 6 Inches Scale 1 16inch to the foot". Credit line: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London Object: SLR0085 Artist: unknown Date: circa 1860 Medium: wood; cotton; brass; steel; paint; varnish; gilt Size: 483 mm x 740 mm x 209 mm Click here to buy a bespoke print of this image.